Flin Flon Man.

-Written by KennyDN.


What would happen if a modern computer genius encountered an authentic Teacher of ancient wisdom?  No, no… not some God-intoxicated, New Age “coach,” but a  real Teacher, One who has real knowledge. What would happen?

Cody was a fugitive, running from assassins, holed up in the tiny mining town of Flin Flon Manitoba. He befriended a old Chipawean Grandmother who eventually  led him to such a Teacher. 

Cody’s mind was re-programmed in a Sacred Tribal Residential School. Each sacred ceremony moved his mind deeper into itself until he was ready to be given his mission, his new job. And, what was the new Cody’s new job? – to take down the corrupt old society so a new civilization could emerge into the void. The economic and pandemic catastrophes we are currently witnessing are not random occurrences. They are planned events. Cody planned them. And Cody’s A.I computers are ruthlessly executing that plan.

And, yes, there is a love story entwined in Cody’s transformation: not a conventional western society romance, but ‘new civilization’ wonder love.  It appears that what they call ‘Tantra’ in India and Tibet is alive and well in the frigid winter woods of northern Canada.

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