Professional Communication in International Settings

- written by Yuling Pan, Suzanne Wong Scollon, Ron Scollon


The globalization of activities in business, government, marketing and even entertainment has  made us aware of how interconnected our world now is. But globalization has also made us  aware of how fundamentally different we are in different nations, cultures, and even  organizations. This book has been written to help individuals and organizations deal with  professional communication when communication takes place across the frontiers of  international, organizational, and even interpersonal relationships.  

While the international world of communication is based on uses of common technologies of  communication, we are all still participants in very different cultures, societies, and organizations.  A technology such as the mobile phone, for example, is used very differently in Finland and in  Hong Kong. Other books which address cross-cultural communication or, as we prefer to call it,  intercultural communication, focus on how communication works when two or more people from  different groups are in communication with each other. In our own books we take this approach.  For example, in Scollon and Scollon’s Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach (Blackwell 2001, revised edition), which is addressed to both researchers and students in the field  who are primarily interested in the analysis of intercultural communication, we lay out the  theoretical groundwork for understanding how communication across cultural and social  boundaries works. Pan’s Politeness in Chinese Face-to-Face Interaction (Ablex 2000) focuses  more specifically on how different situations within a single cultural group, Mainland Southern  Chinese, are very different from each other and how, therefore, we must not make broad  analytical categories such as ‘the Chinese’ or ‘North Americans’ in doing intercultural analysis. 

Our focus in Professional Communication in International Settings is more practical. Here we are  writing for the individual or organization that wants to begin to learn directly how to be a better  communicator when engaged in professional work in international settings. This book grows out  of research projects which were undertaken by the authors together with several other 

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