Mystic Ladies


It’s you, O Ladies, I must warn,
Who, on The Mystic Path, are borne,
The Ones, who dare to think so free.
What future has a mere acorn,
But growth into a giant tree?
O Lady fair, have you been kissed
By your prince, both brave and modest.
What future have you, Maid of Myst,
But your growth into a Goddess?
Before an oak tree can be born
We see the death of the acorn.
Before a Goddess makes the grade
We’ll see the death of Mystic Maid.
If, thoughts of your own burial
Give Mystic Maid a frightened look,
You’re not Goddess material.
Content yourself with reading books.
But if you bravely face your fate
And put that book back on the shelf.
And bravely fly to Heaven’s Gate.
Then you’ll become your Higher Self.

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