Sweet Light


Whenever you’re not with me, Love,
I ponder the horizon
And all thoughts leave my mind.
Whenever you’re not with me, Love,
Night lives on that horizon.
Without my Sun I’m blind.
The eyes of people with me 
Can see the Light you started in
The heart you left behind:
The Sweet Light that you started in
The heart you left behind.

On magic ships I’ll go with you
To where I’ve never been.
Your Magic Light will take me to
Those lands I’ve never seen.

In those times when you’re away,
I gaze on the horizon
And all thoughts leave my mind.
Even though you’re far away,
It’s you I keep my eyes on.
Sweet Sun I feel your shine.
Sweet Sun, I need you with me
To finish what you started in
The heart you left behind:
The Sweet Light that you started in
The heart you left behind.

On magic ships you’ll go with me
To where you’ve never been.
My Magic Light will transport you
‘Cross seas you’ve never seen.

KennyDN www.kennydn.com
Photographer: Marji Allison

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